Triathletes, Fitness & Competitive Swimmers!
For swimmers 18 and over, Trident Masters is professionally coached program, perfect for competitive swimmers, triathletes, as well as adults who may not want to compete but enjoy a well-structured workout that will get results. Swimmers with a group and technique direction from a coach! Workouts are customized based on each swimmer's goals. Contact a coach for more info, and to visit a workout or talk to a coach about your swimming objectives! For details, email Coach Sean: sean@tridentaquatics.club
Professionally Coached Workouts
Scientifically proven workout design, work/rest ratios, etc
Train with Friends! Teammates make us better!!
Triathletes: LED Pace Lines in Every Lane
Underwater Video Stroke Evaluation
Technique Analysis
Training Strategy & Macro/Micro Season Planning

Late August through March...
6:00 - 7:15am
6:10 - 7:30pm
11:15am - 12:30pm
Swimming gets more FUN the FASTER you go! Training methods, technology, strength and arobice capacity development, sports nutrition...they've all come a long, long way in the last decade. Whether it's your love of competition, challenging yourself, or you simply know the incredible benefits swimming adds to health and longevity, visit our professionally organized adult swimming program.
Train with your teammates under the guidance of professional coaches. Thousands of triathletes, including world-class triathletes Sara McLarty and Ben Hoffman, join USMS programs because training with swimmers is the best way to improve the swim portion of the tri. Masters coaches provide technique instruction and interval training with a group. USMS membership also grants access to the triathlete-specific workouts posted regularly in the members-only Forums at usms.org. In addition, SWIMMER magazine and STREAMLINES newsletters have technique and training tips in each issue.
Competitive Swimmers
Thousands of adult swimmers train to compete at U.S. Master's local, national and world competitions. From new swimmers to former olympians, there is a level of competition for everyone. Master's competitions are age group-based, broken into 5-year groupings. As peak stroke technique, exercise science, training technology evolve, adults swimmers in a Master's program benefit from leveraging all of the amazing progress in our sport! And, we all know we train better at swim practice with teammates there to push us, and celebrate with us! Trident athletes have competed in the U.S. Masters Nationals meets every season since 2011.
More about U.S. Masters Swimming.
Fitness Swimmers (You DON'T Have to Compete!)
For many adult swimmers, the appeal and benefits of swimming with friends, guided by a professional coach, purely to enjoy our sport and stay in shape, is fun and rewarding. It is common for U.S. Master's swimmers to attend organized swim practices with on a weekly basis, yet choose not to attend swim meets. This is totally up to you! Just don't feel the pressure to compete...simply challenge yourself at practice...stay in great shape and have FUN!!
A Bit About......Trident Age Group Swimming
Since its establishment in 2014, Trident's swimmers have achieved State Records, National Ranking, World Ranking and even Olympic Trials berths. Over 60% of our graduating athletes have earned scholarships to swim at the NCAA level (nationally, only 7% of high school-aged swimmers earn the chance to swim at the college level). But our primary mission and greatest reward is helping to develop outstanding young people. Swimming teaches us commitment, discipline, goal-setting, perseverance, leadership, how to deal with failure, how to be a great teammate, how to advocate for oneself, communication skills, time management. Ask any lifelong swimmer what impact this sport as provided their lives, college years, profession and family life.